The sinful, the suffering, the sorrowful have laid their woes at the feet of Our Lady of Montserrat and none have ever gone away unheard or unaided
Mr Glen Ghany is an active member of the Our Lady of Montserrat Roman Catholic Church's Shrine Committee in Tortuga. He has been a parishioner at this church for over ten years. On September 8th 2013, he volunteered to be one of four male parishioners to carry the statue of Our Lady after procession along the streets of Tortuga. This street procession is an annual custom for the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the celebration of Our Lady of Montserrat R.C. Church, Tortuga's annual harvest. At the end of the procession, the Statue of Our Lady was returned to the church for delivery to her sacred place in the side chapel. Mr Ghany testifies that as he and the three other parishioners proceeded with Our Lady, her image became heavier and heavier. His first thought was that one person had abandoned his duty, but soon realised that all four men were still bearing Our Lady and were indeed straining under her weight. When the task was completed, Mr Ghany discussed his experience with the others and realised that all men experienced the same phenomenon. They were in awe of Our Lady's real presence and her will to remain in her sacred place